Hungry For Holiness Men's Fellowship
- Details
- Category: Fishers of Men
- Published: Sunday, 25 April 2010 20:32
- Written by Mark Neddeau
- Hits: 1929
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8
For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD. Isa. 55:8
Friends perspective is a great word. It is the way in which we see our world, the way we form thoughts and gain understanding. Everything is affected by perspective. When you've had a car for a very long time you can pereive it to be a burden. When you buy a car someone else has had for a long time, you can perceive it to be a blessing. When you perceive that your money is sufficient, nothing is too hard. When you perceive that you don't have enough, nothing is easy. Perspective. It all depends on how you see your circumstances.
Unfortunately, that often affects our lives in God. Our perspective can sway our faith by coloring what we expect from God. Surely God knows our needs and so we perceive that he will always meet them. But how He chooses to meet them is not always the way we expect him to, and so our perspective changes. We can become bitter or frustrated when we perceive that God should do such and so, or respond in the way our minds feel that he should, but he doesn't. In such a moment it behooves us to remember that God's thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways not our ways. How our perspective influences our view of God is not how God views us, nor how he views himself. He is the same God that wrestled with Jacob and the same God that took Elijah in a chariot. Conversely, he is the same God that kept Moses out of the promised land and allowed Job to be tested.
Today we urge you to set aside your perspective. Your situation is not new to God, only to you. How you perceive your situation is not how God views it. Trust him to work out your problem, since he already has the answer. Don't preconceive. It is not through your opinion or perspective that the answer will come, only through your faith. Lean on him and you will perceive a whole new way to live!
In Love,
Elder Mark and Sister Dana
For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD. Isa. 55:8
Friends perspective is a great word. It is the way in which we see our world, the way we form thoughts and gain understanding. Everything is affected by perspective. When you've had a car for a very long time you can pereive it to be a burden. When you buy a car someone else has had for a long time, you can perceive it to be a blessing. When you perceive that your money is sufficient, nothing is too hard. When you perceive that you don't have enough, nothing is easy. Perspective. It all depends on how you see your circumstances.
Unfortunately, that often affects our lives in God. Our perspective can sway our faith by coloring what we expect from God. Surely God knows our needs and so we perceive that he will always meet them. But how He chooses to meet them is not always the way we expect him to, and so our perspective changes. We can become bitter or frustrated when we perceive that God should do such and so, or respond in the way our minds feel that he should, but he doesn't. In such a moment it behooves us to remember that God's thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways not our ways. How our perspective influences our view of God is not how God views us, nor how he views himself. He is the same God that wrestled with Jacob and the same God that took Elijah in a chariot. Conversely, he is the same God that kept Moses out of the promised land and allowed Job to be tested.
Today we urge you to set aside your perspective. Your situation is not new to God, only to you. How you perceive your situation is not how God views it. Trust him to work out your problem, since he already has the answer. Don't preconceive. It is not through your opinion or perspective that the answer will come, only through your faith. Lean on him and you will perceive a whole new way to live!
In Love,
Elder Mark and Sister Dana