Hungry For Holiness Men's Fellowship
Understanding........A thought for the Week
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- Category: Fishers of Men
- Published: Monday, 19 April 2010 16:33
- Written by Mark Neddeau
- Hits: 1785
The great thing in this scripture to us is found in the first part of the first sentence. "And at the end of the days"...Nebuchadnezzar had to go through years of struggling as an animal before his reason returned to him. Why? Was he resisting God, refusing to acknowledge God perhaps. . We say no. If you read this episode you will find out that the king had lost his ability to even think as a man! He was an animal for seven times (years). It wasn't until THE END of the time that he was able to think. Because we are God's children and we have embraced His Word, we are so sure that God will reveal his purpose and his thinking to us while we endure a thing. I am now convinced that is not only incorrect, it is often a source of failure to us.
Right now my wife and I have had to accept that we don't understand how some things are unfolding and that we can either be VICTIMS lost in a field of confusion and hurt, or VICTORS claiming God's promise wthout God's explanation. (Which by the way is the very definition of FAITH!)
Don't be discouraged friend if you don't find the answer you think you so desperately need, and you are wondering where God is. He is still there, still concerned and still watching you, even if you feel like you are being treated like an animal! HE LOVES YOU FRIEND, and perhaps he is just trying to get you through a pre-ordained time of transition. When that time is done, when you have made it to a pre-ordained moment in your spiritual growth, your understanding will come through like a wave and you will bless the most High for the LESSON AND THE UNDERSTANDING He has allowed you to gain for yourself!
Be encouraged, for joy comes in the morning!
In Love,