Hungry For Holiness Men's Fellowship

Bruisers or's YOUR choice!

The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,LUKE 4:18

My friends do you or someone you know claim this scripture? Can you amen this? If so ask yourself this question: Do you think a backslider is brokenhearted, captive, blind and bruised?

Jesus told Peter that he was blessed because the Spirit had revealed the truth to him, but it was AFTER Peter had spoken what the Spirit had revealed. I'm speaking this into your spirit today my friend that many of us have been BRUISERS not HEALERS. We may have ignored the backslider in our midst because we perceive the hurt they gave us, we feel that they have rejected us (not God, mind you), we find them to be following after their own flesh, or whatever. But does that truly matter? God is married to the backslider, God loves them and he urges us to live up to our calling!

No doubt some are going to reject your advances for friendship and reconciliation, but that isn't the point. The point is your work, your anointing and your ATTITUDE. You cannot claim that the Spirit is upon you if you are not healing the brokenhearted, preaching deliverence to the captive, recovering sight and setting free them that are bruised. If they blame us, can we truly say they do not have a case? Be honest! Can we say we have done ALL that can be done, that we decrease so He may increase, that we are reaching to them in love and not to make ourselves feel better? Cry for them, call out for forgiveness if the attitude needs correction, and always be honest with God. It may be that their hard heart can be mended with time and patience, but only if time and patience are spent in prayer and effort. Remember, friends, that this walk is not about YOUR lifestyle, it is about HIS life-sharing!

In love,

Elder Mark and Sister Dana