Hungry For Holiness Men's Fellowship
Keeping your mouth full!
- Details
- Category: Fishers of Men
- Published: Sunday, 08 August 2010 19:37
- Written by Mark Neddeau
- Hits: 2681
Friends, your mom used to tell you not to talk with your mouth full. One of the problems we face today is that too many church members have too much time ontheir hands and too little praise in their mouth. If we would only concentrate on keeping full of God, keeping our mouths full of his praise our conversation would drastically change. Taste and see that the Lord is good is more than a promise that you will be fed, it is a means to ensure that you don't waste time complaining, or ruining another saints day through negative speaking.
David said his praise will continually be in my mouth! Morning, noon, and night, David knew that the only way to overcome adversity and avoid evil speaking was to keep chewing on God's Word! Keeping his mouth full of God left no room for the devil. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Sitting at the table was the best place to be fed. Sitting under God's wings is the best place to be protected. God will certainly meet you when you answer the call to come and dine!
We hope this week finds you chewing on the goodness of Jesus! We hope your mouth will be so filled with his praise that others will want to join you in the feast and not be able to pull you away from the table. Be blessed and keep your mouth full!
In Love,
Elder Mark and Sister Dana