The Word of Life
Time for an ETERNAL God
- Details
- Created: Sunday, 16 June 2013 23:45
- Last Updated: Thursday, 04 July 2013 23:09
- Published: Sunday, 16 June 2013 23:45
- Written by Mark Neddeau
- Hits: 2227
PSALM 90:10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
Dear Friends,
We have been given a limited timeline in which to accomplish the things our unlimited God has called us to do. The problem with our lifetime is that in our finite mind we often begin to see deadlines, and use those deadlines to define not only what we can do in our time, but also what He can do in our time.
GAL 4:9-10 But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?
The question now becomes: "Are we so limited by timelines that we cannot experience the time of our life?" You see, since God knows our beginning and end and he operates in a timeless eternity, isn't it better to understand that your timelines are less important than the things he has planned for you in the time he provided? We can live a lifetime in a short time of life. We need to let life define our time, rather than time defining our life!
We see bills coming due, projects needing completion, work needing done, all within a certain period of time. We worry under the pressure of these deadlines, seeing them as pressures without knowing that God sees them as opportunities! We sing "He's an on-time God, yes He is!" without ever truly understanding that these times in our lives, and the times of our lives, have already been laid out before us in HIS timeline!
DEUT 33:27 God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemies before you, saying, 'Destroy them!'
Do you see it? Everlasting. Ever Lasting. Always there. Before you, and under you, and around you. Facing the timelines that we see must be done with the awareness that He sees it differently! We wonder how it will work out, and go to Him so often in prayers of desperation rather than faith. But God is always your refuge.
HEB 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
Life is a vapor for us, but time ceases to be a factor in God. So we have devised a perfect way to LIMIT God and His perfect way and timing! We hold God hostage to our timeline by prayers of desperation. It's time to hold fast what we say to others. "God is able!" Is he? "God is a provider!" Is he? "He's an on-time God!" IS HE? Stop holding God to your timeline and start walking in His!
1 John 5:11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
It's time to start walking with that vision! It's time to believe what you say; that God is in control of your life and you walk in the time he allows. It's time to be doing the things he needs done in the time he sets forth, knowing that your deadlines are his LIFE TIMES! He can do it for you if you believe! Draw nigh with a heart full of faith, knowing that you serve a God with eternal life, and that despite your deadlines, life will go on! He has promised to satisfy all your NEED according to his riches in glory, so why worry? Being limited by timelines while serving an unlimited God is an oxymoron! It's time to stop seeing deadlines and start seeing opportunities! Don't let times define you. Don't waste time either. Wasting time is a great enemy to God's plans.
2 CHRON 22:16 Of the gold, the silver, and the brass, and the iron, there is no number. Arise therefore, and be doing, and the LORD be with thee.
He has already prepared it! Stop wasting time worrying, or focusing on what you think is important and arise, be about God's work! Yes, you are eternal and your work will last forever in Christ, but YOUR BODY is limited and time is against it. Time is a cage only to those who cannot rise above the flesh and walk in the spirit. But time still plays a role in the human experience! To get the fulness of salvation, the fulness of the gospel, and the fulness of eternity, one must arise and do. One must not be caught snoozing, slipping away in the fabric of time, while God presses for eternal success in you! Don't let this opportunity slip by. Your eternal life supercedes time, unless you miss the time which you were given - snoozing like the foolish virgins, unprepared for the bridegroom's return!
We urge you today, friend, to understand that it is time for the eternal God to arise in you! It is time for your walk to enter the vision of eternity, and for you to grasp the concept that, though this body dies daily, though you work in time, God is preparing you to leave this timeline and enter an endless one! Do you want to go? Can you see how much time has slipped by already? Is there not something that you can do to REDEEM the time left you? YES! You can arise and be doing!
In Love,
Elders Mark and Dana Neddeau