Layman's Lounge
Closer to God, or in the Center of His Will..
- Details
- Category: A Deeper Word
- Published: Friday, 20 April 2012 00:00
- Written by Mark Neddeau
- Hits: 2058
But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: 1 JOHN 2:5
For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us. 2 COR 1:20 niv
The church building is a lot like God (in fact, I believe he designed it just that way)....when you enter a church you see pews, floors, carpet, pulpits, organs and instruments of music, microphones, baptismal tanks, windows, etc........when you enter a church you are surrounded by that cannot get closer to something you are surrounded by. When you walk with God, serve him, you are surrounded by him...He is supposed to be INSIDE of you, before you, around you, leading you, you cannot get closer to him when you are in the center of his will...BUT, you can have access and get closer to the items contained within him and his will for you.
Let's say for the moment, the pews represent the gifts and fruits of the spirit, pulpit is the anointing, instruments are the praise, microphones the voice, the baptismal is the healing, the windows a vision, the floor support, carpet the cushion......ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE CONTAINED IN THE CHURCH...YOU CANNOT GET CLOSER TO THE CHURCH WHEN YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY IT, but you for sure can approach and use and get closer to the items contained in it.
START PRAYING FOR GOD TO MOVE YOU CLOSER TO THAT WHICH WILL MAKE YOU A BETTER SERVANT. Move closer to that healing, that gift, that anointing. This is a touchy thing because I am not advocating that you seek only the THINGS of God, but God himself who has and is all these things. Pray that God will reveal his will to you. Pray that God will release you in your mind to accept the things he has for you in Him. Even when you lay on the floor of the church, you are only closer to the support in the church, not the church itself. I'll say it again, you cannot get closer to something that surrounds you.. you are in the midst of it! Try jumping into a pool then getting closer to the water! You cannot do it. You can get closer to the water toys, the floats, the ladder, but not the water! It surrounds you. The same principal exists here with God!
In God is contained all the principals, power and tools you need to walk an overcoming life! If you have been struggling with issues within yourself or people - then it may be a sign that you have not yet found the overcoming tool, the spiritual basis for your victory! If you have not yet fully submitted to God and his will, you are not yet fully surrounded by him. If you are then all you need is contained within him and you have it because it is ALL IN HIM!
Pray that God will reveal to you that item contained within him that will release you to move in his open that spirit to others, to make you what you should be IN THE SURROUNDING HEART of God.
Be well, just think about it, it is not a complete thought, just some food....
In Love,
Elder Mark Neddeau