Layman's Lounge
- Details
- Category: A Deeper Word
- Published: Wednesday, 01 June 2011 14:48
- Written by DON HICKMAN
- Hits: 1770
Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly [is] plenteous, but the labourers [are] few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.Matthew 9: 37-38
Today as my wife and I drove through downtown on our way to church we saw a young couple, somewhere in their thirties, standing on a street corner just to our right. As I looked to my left, there were two men, only a short half a block away. That is when the emotion went through my entire body and I began to cry. Which one will I choose? Which couple will I witness to and pray with and maybe, just maybe, bring them to church with us? Go to both you might say, go to one and talk to them and then go see the other couple. That does sound like a good plan but I could see that each couple had everything they own with them, a bag or two and a suit case. They most likely were leaving one of the night shelters and would soon melt into the city or be on their way to the next town.
The sad thing is every single day we choose someone that will not hear the gospel of Jesus. Someone will not have an opportunity to be saved. How many souls did we drive by and choose that they will not hear Acts 2:38 and that they also can be saved? How many people did we walk by that we had an opportunity to say something about Jesus? How many people did you talk to today, at the store, at work, and at school? Who did you choose? Which person did you have contact with today that you chose them as the one that will not hear that Jesus died for them and that Jesus loves them?
The Lord has called YOU to work in the harvest fields.
I have been a minister for over 30 years and my wife and I started a new work in Indiana. After about 5 months we averaged 100 souls between our two Sunday services. We recently baptized 8 in the name of Jesus on a Sunday night. I am proud to say that 4 of these were brought to repentance and baptism by my daughter Jennifer. I was able to visit a church that my daughter Emily attends out of state and that Sunday morning they baptized 23. I am also proud to say that Emily was standing with her family of 4 new converts. Why am I talking about this? Well, it is because this does not happen by accident, someone is choosing. They are choosing to talk about Jesus to someone, witness, pray and put the personal time into the work. I will leave you with this one thought, who will YOU choose today?
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